The Return
June 12, 2021 | Signature Training Academy | Brodheadsville, PA

For the first time in 16 months, PPW was able to bring the best wrestling in northeastern Pennsylvania back to the PPW Nation, in an event appropriately named The Return. The stars were plentiful in this one, including former WWE stars Erick Redbeard (formerly known as Erick Rowan), Afa Jr. and The Awakening (formerly known as The Ascension), as well as former Impact star Davey Richards and current MLW star Richard Holliday.
The action was plentiful at the show, including an incredible match between KC Navarro and Davey Richards, two new champions crowned, the in-ring return of Tommy Suede and TJ Masters, and so much more.
The main event of the night, Erick Redbeard vs. Afa Jr., resulted in a double count, with the two behemoths brawling way after the referee counted to 10.
Complete results of the show can be found below.
Triple Threat Match
Dustin Flash Waller defeated Kylon King and Marcel Williams
PPW Television Championship Match
Andy Header defeated Johnny Moran to become the new PPW Television Champion​
6 Man Scramble Match to determine #1 Contender to the PPW No Limits Championship
Rembrandt defeated Encore, Chris Slade, Elijah Eden, Ben Ruten and Seymour Green to become the #1 Contender​
6 Man Tag Team Match
TJ Masters, Tommy Suede and Antonio Rivera defeated Zay Hopkins, Eugene Chandler and Isaak Ruhl
PPW Heavyweight Championship Tournament First Round Match
Joey Martinez defeated Bull Hightower and Prince Noah to advance to the semi finals
Singles Match
KC Navarro defeated Davey Richards​
4 Way Tag Team Match for the PPW Tag Team Championships
The Sambo Show defeated The Awakening, South Philly's Finest and The Mane Event to become new PPW Tag Team Champions​
Women's Championship Match
Adena Steele and Christina Marie fought to a double disqualification​
PPW Heavyweight Championship Tournament First Round Match
Foxx Vinyer defeated Mr. James and Richard Holliday to advance to the semi finals
Singles Match
Afa Jr. and Erick Rowan fought to a double count out